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[ Викачати з сервера (5.06 Mb) ] 15.03.2016, 16:26


Form: 1-4


  • to revise the vocabulary related to the topics “My house”, “Animals”,
  • “ Nature and the Weather.”, “Count 1-100”, “ Rest and  Leisure”,“Colours”;
  • to develop linguistic, intellectual and creative abilities of children;
  • to bring up positive attitude towards foreign language studying

Equipment:  A power Point Presentation.


Hello everybody! Glad to see you!

Nowadays it is necessary to know a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. The total number of languages in the world is about 5000. English is spoken all over the world and very popular.

Learning English is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. We learn to swim by swimming, to play ball by playing ball, and to speak English by speaking English. A good ball-player spends hours, days, months, and ever years practicing. The more he practices, the better he plays. And so it is when we are talking. You have to build up language habits in English just as you build up languages habits in your mother tongue.

Now we want to show you how the pupils of junior classes can speak English, recite poems, sings songs, play games, perform tale.

Dear friends, we have a Missis of the ceremony today. Her name is Miss Spelling. Meet her.

M:  We are beginning our programme with  poems “ABC” . (Presentation)

Now we meet pupils of the 1-st A with the song “ABC”

Let’s invite them clap – clap.

M: Thank you for a nice singing.

Everybody enjoy fairy- tales about animals because they are our friends indeed. The pupils will perform “A House in the Wood”.

The characters: The Mouse, the Frog, the Cock, the Fox.

A house in the wood. The Mouse comes up to the house.

Mouse: Who lives in this house?

(No answer). Then I shall live here.

Frog: Who lives in this house?

Mouse: I do. I am a mouse and I live in your house.

Frog: And I am a Frog. May I live in your house?

Mouse: Yes, you may. Come in please!

Cock: Who lives in this house?

Mouse and a Frog(together): We do.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Mouse: And I am a Mouse.

(Together): And who are you?

Cock: I am a Cock. May I live in your house?

Frog and Mouse (together): Yes, you may. Come in please!

Frog: I am a Frog, Frog, Frog!

Cock: I am a Cock, Cock, Cock!

Mouse: I am a Mouse, Mouse, Mouse!

(Together): We live in this house, house, house! (The Fox appears).

Fox: Who lives in this house?

Mouse, Cock and Frog: We do.

Mouse: I am a Mouse, Mouse, Mouse!

Cock: I am a Cock, Cock, Cock!

Frog: I am a Frog, Frog, Frog!

(Together): And who are you?

Fox: I am a Fox. May I live in your house?

Mouse, Cock and Frog (together): Oh, you bad Fox, go away!

The Fox runs away. The Mouse, the Frog and the Cock pursue him.

M: Thank you very much.

Do you know the colours in English? The children will sing a nice song about multicoloured balloons. Song “Balloons”.

Balloons are red,

Balloons are blue,

Balloons are green

And yellow too.

M: It’s great.

The pupils want you to guess the riddles.

I can tell you all the day

Time to sleep and time to play.


It is cold and sweet            

Children like eating it … 

(Ice cream)

My face is black

As black as night

On it, with chalk

All pupils write


I come with cold snow

But you like me, I know.


It is brown

It has got four legs

It sleeps in winter

What is it?


M: Thank you for such a beautiful riddles. We shall sing a song “Rain, rain”

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

Daddy wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

Mommy wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

Brother wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

Sister wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

Baby wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

All the family wants to play

Rain, rain, go away!

M: Everybody like Ukrainian fairy - tales. One of them is “Little Round Bun”. Meet our actors.

Characters: A Grandpa, a Grandma, a Little Round Bun, a Rabbit, a Wolf, a Bear, a Fox.

The voice from the microphone (Grandmother’s voice): Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman who were very poor and had nothing at all to their name. And they kept getting poorer and poorer till there was nothing left to eat in the house, not even bread.

(The old man and the old woman appear)

Old man: Do bake us a bun, old woman. If you scrape out the flour-box and sweep out the bin, you’ll have enough flour.

Woman: But I want you to scrape this flour.

Man: I’ll do it, because I want a bun very much. (The man goes to bring some flour).

Man: Bake the bun, please. Flour is here (He shows the plate with flour)

 Woman: In some hours it will be ready (They disappear).        

The voice from the microphone (Grandmother’s voice): A woman shaped a little round Bun, then she lit the oven, baked the bun and put it on the window sill to cool. But the bun jumped out of the window and onto the bench outside, and from the bench onto the ground, and away it rolled along the road. On and on it rolled, and it met a Rabbit coming toward it.

Rabbit: Hello, Little Round Bun! I’m going to eat you up.

Bun: Don’t do that, Fleet-Feet, let me sing you a song instead.

Rabbit: All right, let’s hear it!

Bun: Here it is!

I was scraped from the flour-box

And swept from the bin

And baked in the oven

And cooled on the sill.

I ran away from Grandpa,

I ran away from Grandma,

And I’ll run away from you, this minute I will.

(The Bun runs away; the Rabbit disappears and the Wolf appears)

Wolf: I’m going to eat you up, Little Round Bun.

Bun: Don’t do that, Brother Wolf, let me sing you a song instead.

Wolf: All right, let’s hear it!

Bun:           I was scraped from the flour-box.

And swept from the bin

And baked in the oven

And cooled on the sill.

I ran away from Grandpa,

I ran away from Grandma,

And I’ll run away from you, this minute I will.

(The Bun runs away; the Wolf disappears; the Bear appears)

Bear:  I’m going to eat you up, Little Round Bun!

Bun: Don’t do that, Brother Bear, let me sing you a song instead.

Bear:  All right, let’s hear it!

Bun:            I was scraped from the flour-box

And swept from the bin

And baked in the oven

And cooled on the sill.

I ran away from Grandpa,

I ran away from Grandma,                             

And I’ll run away from you, this minute I will.

(The Bun runs away; the Bear disappears; the Fox appears)

Fox: I’m going to eat you up, Little Round Bun!

Bun: Don’t do that, Sister Fox, let me sing you a song instead.

Fox: All right, let’s hear it!

Bun:           I was scraped from the flour-box

And swept from the bin

And baked in the oven

And cooled on the sill.

I ran away from Grandpa,

I ran away from Grandma,

And I’ll run away from you, this minute I will.

Fox: Sing me more, please, don’t stop! Hop onto my tongue, so I can hear you better.

Bun: Oh, no dear Fox, I’m not so foolish, because I ran away from the Rabbit, from the Wolf, from the Bear and I’ll run away from you.

(The Bun runs away)

Fox: Oh, I’m so clever, I’m here and there, but a Little Round Bun ran away from me.

M: The pupils will sing again. They invite us to listen to a song  “Head and shoulders”.


M: I hope you’ve enjoyed the play. So have I.

Among the favourite pupils’ activities are games. I will play the game “How do you live?” with the pupils.

How do you clean?                              

Like this.

How do you go?

Like this.

How do you sleep?

Like this.

How do you jump?

Like this.

How do you write?

Like this.

How do you swim?

Like this.

How do you wash?

Like this.

How do you dance?

Like this.

M: Can you do the crosswords? Let’s try.

У норі хатину має                  

Хліб, сирочок полюбляє.

По підлозі тишком-нишком

Бігає сіренька …


Ти солодке полюбляєш

Ну тоді про мене знаєш

Я над квітами літаю,

Друзів медом пригощаю

Не велика не мала,

А зовуть мене …


В капелюшку і в намисті

Йде молочниця плямиста.

Дітки гайда-но гуртом

Пригощатись молочком.


У воді живуть вони –

Заповзяті мовчуни

Мовчки плавають до школи

На базар, в кіно чи в цирк –

Не ведуть розмов ніколи

Хоч би слово анічичирк.


Очі гарні. Пишні вії.

Має дуже гарну шию

Добре це, бо добре їсти                    

Із дерев зелене листя.


Я дуже гарний співунець,

Червоний маю гребінець,

Уранці всіх вітаю

До праці закликаю.


Маленька, зла й кудлата,

Дає про себе знати

У двір свій не пускає

Усякого злякає.


Ходить в хаті тишком-нишком

Утікайте сірі мишки!

Пазурі залізні має,

Не відпустить, як співає.


M: Clap-clap. Thanks a lot for such a beautiful song.

The pupils are fond of English fairy-tales and they have prepared for us  “Tree Little Pigs”. Meet the characters.

Characters: Naff-Naff, Snuff-Snuff, Niff-Niff, Big Bad Wolf, Children.


Three little pigs are sitting under an oak-tree.

One of the children: once upon a time there lived three little pigs.

Naff-Naff (standing up and coming forward): Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.

Children: Hello, Naff-Naff!

Snuff-Snuff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Snuff-Snuff!

Children: Good morning, Snuff-Snuff! We are glad to see you.

Niff-Niff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Niff-Niff!

Children: Good morning, Niff-Niff! We are glad to meet you.

Three little pigs (together): We are three little pigs.

(Dancing round tree and singing):

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?


Naff-Naff: Now stop dancing and listen to me.

(Snuff-Snuff and Niff-Niff stop dancing and singing)

Naff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must take a house and live there together.

Niff-Niff: Oh, no. Winter is not coming. We have time to play and sing!

Snuff-Snuff: Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

Naff-Naff: As you like. I shall go and make a house. (Goes away).

Snuff-Snuff: I shall go and make a house too. (Goes away).

Niff-Niff: Then I shall go and make a house too. (Goes away).

One of the children: Niff-Niff is making a house of grass. Snuff-Snuff is making a house of sticks. Naff-Naff is making a house of bricks.

Niff-Niff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass,

I have made my house of grass,


Snuff-Snuff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of sticks

House of stick, house of sticks,

I have made my house of sticks


Naff-Naff (comes with a big hammer in his hand): My house is not ready yet. I must go and finish my house of bricks. Good-bye, children!

Children: Good-bye, Naff-Naff.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff (dancing and singing):

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf,

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


Scene 2

Wolf: My name is wolf!

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: Hush, children! I see three nice little pigs. Oh, I am very hungry! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

One of the children: The Wolf  run after two little pigs, but he couldn’t catch them. They run to their houses very quickly. Oh, here is the Wolf near Niff-Niff’s house.

Wolf: Ha! Ha! Ha! Niff-Niff, let me in!

Niff-Niff: Oh, no, won’t!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down!

One of the children: He blows and blows and he blows the house down. Niff-Niff runs to Snuff-Snuff’s house. The Wolf runs after him.

Wolf: I’ll catch you, silly little pigs!

Children: No, you won’t, Big Bad Wolf!

Niff-Niff (to Snuff-Snuff): Your house is bad too. Let’s run to Naff-Naff. His house is made of bricks!

Wolf: Snuff-Snuff, let me in!

Niff-Niff to Snuff-Snuff: Oh, no! go away, you Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down!

One of the children: He blows and blows and he blows the house down. The little pigs run to Naff-Naff’s house.

 Niff-Niff: Oh, brother, save us!

Snuff-Snuff: Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us up!

Naff-Naff: Don’t be afraid! My house is made of bricks!

Wolf: Open the door and let me in!

All (together): No,no! go away Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down!

One of the children: The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the Wolf on the head with a big stick. The Wolf runs away.

(All the “pigs” and the children form a circle and begin to dance and sing):

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf,

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


M: The fairy-tale was wonderful.

As far as you know the children like to learn poems. And they know a lot of them. What poems are you going to recite now?

Winter, winter, clean and white.

Winter, winter, snow is bright.

Winter, bring us holidays!

Bring us many happy days!

 We are beautiful snowflakes

In the trees and on the lakes.

We are blue, we are white

We are little, we are bright.

   M: I’m very glad that so many pupils had taken an active part in our party. It was very pleasant to see that you know and love English. Thank you. And we say good-bye and sing a song “One little finger”

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