Головна » Файли » Англійська мова » Тренувальні вправи

Тести. 6 клас
15.03.2016, 16:52

Form 6

1 variant

  1. Write the numbers.




  1. Fill in a few/ a little.

There is _____   water in the river.

There are ______flowers on the vase.

There are ______   trees next to the pond.

  1. Write  heavy/ long / tall.

How ____ is the crocodile?  It’s  3 metres.

How ____ is the elephant?  It’s 5 tonnes.

How ____ is the giraffe?  It’s  4 metres.

  1. Write sentences.

If you go to the Arabian desert           you will meet the San people.
If you go to the Kalahari desert           you will see lots of sand.

If you go to the Australian desert       you will see kangaroos .

  1. Order the words. Write sentences.

China to have been We.

brown seen have I a bear.

stayed Have a you in hotel ever?

Form 6

  1. variant
  1. Write the numbers.




  1. Fill in a few/ a little.

There are _____  gorillas in Rwanda.

There was  ______ grass on the field.

There is ______   rain in the desert.

  1. Write  heavy/ wide / tall.

How ____ is the wolf?  It’s  35 kilos.

How ____ is the building?  It’s 453 metres.

How ____ is the bridge?  It’s  4 metres.

  1. Write sentences.

If you go to the Gobi desert              you can travel by camel.
If you go to the Sahara desert           you will find lots of oil.

If you go to the Turkestan desert      you will feel cold .

  1. Order the words. Write sentences.

Ned’s to Has been India ever dad?

not presents We our opened have.

walked Have a you in desert ever?

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