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План уроку англійської мови ( 4 клас )
15.03.2016, 12:42

План уроку англійської мови ( 4 клас )

Тема. Земля очима прибульців

Мета. Формувати навички читання вголос, розвивати уяву, виховувати любов до своєї країни.

Обладнання. Підручники, картки, таблиці.

Хід уроку

I. Організаційний момент

1. Вітання з класом.

II. Визначення мети уроку

- Last lesson we spoke with you about travelling to different countries, planets and cities. But look at this proverb, please: “East or West home is best”.

- Today we will speak about Mr. and Mrs. Blob from the other planet and about their visit to Earth. They did it some days ago and we must review Past Simple Tense. Look at this box.

III.  Фонетична зарядка

- And now take your cars, put the words into the right order, read the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

IV. Розвиток умінь

- We can start reading the text.


- And now look at this table.Do you know these adjectives? Read them.

- Look at the pictures and read the text.

- Point the pictures, ask and answer the questions.

- So, did they have a good time?

- Children, do you agree that: East or West – home is best.

- Makewordsfrom the letters to find out. Write sentences.

   V. Домашнє  завдання                                                                   

- Your homework is to write 5 sentences about the Blobs’ family.

    VI. Підсумок уроку.

- You have worked very hard and very good.

       Your marks are …. Good- bye, children!

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