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Keep Our Environment Clean
[ Викачати з сервера (594.7 Kb) ] 15.03.2016, 16:22

Topic   Keep Our Environment Clean


-Will be able to speak about environmental problems


  1. Introduction

Good morning pupil`s, today well speak about our environment. Environment means the land, water and airs that animals and plants live in.

  1. Warm-up

Motto: To take care of the planet is to take care of your own house.  Dalai Lama

-How do you understand this phase?

3. Main part

Now listen to the song and think about environmental problems. Why do we have such problems nowadays?

Only when all the rivers have run dry

And all the ------------- in the sea have died

Only when all the ------------have been burnt down

And there is no food for the -----------

Only when all the blue skies have been filled with

And the ------------------of the world have chocked

Will the white man understand

That it is to late to ---------------the earth


Before reading the text

Pupils let`s watch the video and tell me please What accident happened in Ukraine?

-Chernobyl disaster happened in Ukraine in 1986.

-So, start to read the text: Chernobyl Disaster


Chernobyl Disaster

Mankind will remember the 26th of April 1986 forever. The disaster in Chernobyl showed how great and how dangerous the power of atom could be. On the 26th of April 1986 there was the blast at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station. And a lot of radioactive substances got into the atmosphere. During the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, people all over the world could see the courage and selflessness of the people who tried to save the situation. During the first weeks of the tragedy a large number of scientists and journalists from Ukraine and other countries of the world visited Chernobyl Zone. A lot of them perished but they managed to stop the fiery element. The courageous heroes saved people who had got dangerous doses of radiation. We can say that it was a national feat. The damaged reactor was covered with steel and concrete and was buried. 


-You have just read the text and now do the task. Agree or disagree

Agree or disagree

  1. The tragedy in Chernobyl showed how weak the power of atom was.

2. The accident happened on the 26th of April 1986.

3. During the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, people all over the world could see the courage of the Ukrainian people.

4. A few journalists visited Chernobyl Zone.

5. The courageous heroes saved people who had got a dangerous dose of radiation.

 6. It was a national feat.

 7. The damaged reactor was covered with leaves and wood.

-And now complete the sentences

Complete the sentences:

1. Mankind will remember                                   1 the 26th of April 1986 forever.        

2. On the 26th of April 1986 there was                 2 the blast at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station.

3. During the liquidation of the consequences     3 people all over the world could see the courage                                

   of the accident,                                                    and selflessness of the people.

4. A lot of them perished but                                4. They managed to stop the fiery element.

5. We can say that                                                 5.  it was a national feat.

We will help to protect the environment.

How can we do this?

 Let`s guess the hidden words:

1. Try to plant…          near your house. (eters).

2.Join the…                     organization. (enger Pcaee).

3.Don’t drop rubbish in the…          (etssetr).

4.Use waste…         (nsib).

5. Take some of your…                 (ibburhs) into a recycling centre.

What everybody can do for the environment to save it?

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